Sophia's Journey

Sophia's Life
If we are lucky enough in our day-to-day lives, we meet individuals along the way that change the way we view the world. It’s not their goal to change your view, just your focus.
For Sophia Oliver, despite just turning 7 years old, she has done that for just about anyone who has met her.
Sophia let everyone know she was made of endless energy and bright smiles. Her parents, Raylene and Jeff, said despite her age you were left feeling like “this was Sophia’s world, and we were all just living in it”. The youngest of 8 children, Sophia was all about her family, their horses and life on Hollow Tree Ranch.

Oliver Family and life on Hollow Tree Ranch
(Sophia next to Mom, Raylene)
Moment of Change
On April 22, 2021, while out on the ranch, Sophia fell out of their Rhino Workhorse ATV. Watching her for potential concussion symptoms, Sophia seemed herself throughout the day.
Late in the evening things quickly changed when Sophia suffered a seizure and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.
University Hospital’s Trauma team performed surgery on Sophia to remove the left bone flap, drain a large hematoma and repair a ruptured artery. Life weighed in the balance as Sophia went into cardiac arrest.

Raylene, Jeff and the Oliver family agonized and prayed with unwavering faith as they watched their child fight for her life.
Told by neurosurgeons she had suffered significant permanent damage to the left side of the brain, including a stroke which would paralyze the right side of her body, doctors said to brace for the worst.

Prayer, Courage & Strength
In the weeks and months that followed, each day brings another often-painful hurdle for this brave little girl. Despite every barrier and setback, Sophia’s bright light and warrior spirit rallies with the same focus to change the view. What can only be attributed as miracles, Faith in God, and Prayers continue to bring healing.

Sophia’s Hero – her Daddy!
A New Life Path
Sophia went home on July 20th with accomplishments even the doctors can’t explain. Life changed that moment in April for Sophia and her family – but it doesn’t end there.
Committed to Sophia’s ongoing recovery, Raylene and Jeff are unable to fully run Hollow Tree Ranch with all the services they normally provide. The Oliver’s are facing financial hardships.

“God is a good. God is full of love and mercy.
I’m choosing to press into Him and fully trust His purpose and plan.” Raylene Oliver

Rehab begins…she’s a fighter!

How Can You be a part of Sophia's Recovery Journey?
Donations can be made in various ways towards:
- Ongoing Medical Care
- An all terrain wheel chair so she can be taken on walks around the ranch
- Construction Changes to their home to support Sophia
- Funds to purchase a different vehicle. The Oliver’s current SUV is older and a challenge when transporting Sophia in her new car seat and larger wheelchair along with family.
- Food & Gas Cards
- Cards for Sophia
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” – Proverbs 16:9

Sophia went home on July 20th, this is her first day home with her horse, Patches!